The A-B-C Method of Manifesting

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Photo by Anete Lusina on

I’m excited to share a manifestation method that I find incredibly helpful: the A-B-C Method. Named for its three parts—Ask, Believe, and Co-Create—it encompasses the essential elements of the manifestation process. Plus, it’s simple to remember and even endorsed by many therapists.

First up is “Ask.” This step requires clarity and specificity. You must know precisely what you want to manifest before starting the method. Craft a clear, concise statement of your desire, including a timeframe for added specificity. Don’t worry about the how; focus solely on what you want to manifest. For example, “I want to land my dream job within the next five years” or “I want to meet the love of my life within the next two years.” These examples illustrate the clarity needed for effective manifestation.

Once you know what you want, you can clarify it even more. For example, “I work at _____________, making $XXX, XXX a year.”

Next comes “Believe.” Unwavering faith in the manifestation process is crucial here. Doubt can derail your efforts, so believing wholeheartedly in the process is essential. If your belief isn’t quite there yet, fake it until you make it, as they used to say. Pretend you have absolute faith in manifestation and act accordingly. Over time, your belief will grow stronger with each success until it becomes genuine.

Finally, we have “Co-Create.” This step emphasizes taking action to bring your desires to fruition. While asking and believing are powerful, sometimes you must put in the effort to co-create your desires or lay the groundwork for their manifestation. This may involve sustained, focused action toward your goals.

By following these three steps—Ask, Believe, and Co-Create—you’ll start to see results in your manifestation journey. Stay consistent and patient, and soon you’ll manifest everything you desire.

Until next time, stay safe, and keep the faith. La Wanna Parker