Strategies for Fostering Inner Peace Now

Inner peace goes beyond personal needs or goals for oneself – it’s a major contributing factor to cultivating peace in the world. That starts with the individual, so when you make strides toward achieving inner peace, you contribute on a much larger level. It feels like a big responsibility, right?

Let’s not look at it as a responsibility but as a privilege. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to contribute by working on yourself. What are you waiting for? Let’s get started on cultivating inner peace with these five strategies!

  • Learn how to be mindful

Mindfulness is all about paying attention on purpose. It allows us to focus entirely on the one thing we truly have—this moment. Developing a mindfulness practice helps us to stop living on autopilot, staying stuck in the past, or worrying about the future. It sounds like a simple concept. And it is. But it’s not easy. The good news is that you have the chance to be mindful again in each moment. Taking up this one practice will literally change your life.

  • Don’t take things too personally

You’re focusing on yourself, but you shouldn’t be internalizing. There’s a vast difference there. If you find yourself insulted easily, try to remember that it’s not reflecting on you. The grumpy person at you may have just had a rough day or fought with their spouse this morning. The truth is, people rarely think about us as much as we believe they do.

  • Be still

It’s hard to be still and fully present. It’s doable, though. And peace is found in the trying or practicing. Take time to sit on a beach or the grass outside, maybe at your local park. Instead of looking at all the people passing by and watching where they go, sit still. Perhaps you’ll want to close your eyes. Just let people pass by like clouds in the sky. You’re being present and refraining from overthinking. Enjoy the sensations of the wind blowing your hair and the sun on your face. Hear people talking without getting caught up in what they are saying. When your mind rushes ahead or wonders why a child is crying, bring it back to your breath. You’ll find yourself smiling without even thinking about it. Now, that is inner peace.

  • Let your actions speak louder than words

This tip leads us back to where we started – cultivating peace in the world by finding it in ourselves. When you’ve found a sense of inner peace, you will naturally want to share it with others. You’ll want nothing more than to show others that peace isn’t as elusive as we believe in our fast-paced modern world. You spread peace by being kind, compassionate, and loving to others. Allow the peace you feel within fill the space and the people around you by how you behave.

Until next time, stay safe, and keep the faith.